Priyanka has decided to share her knowledge of kayaking by giving Kayak lessons and this will not just make her independent but also grow the kayaking community at the same time.
She has recently bagged gold and became an overall champion at the 10th edition of Ganga Kayaking Festival, 2022. 19 years old, she was born and grew up by the side of mother river Ganga and the place called Sirasu which is also known as “Village of River Guides and Kayakers”. Priyanka's father works at rafting campsite and her mother was a housewife. She recently lost her mother during COVID 19, not to it but she lacked liveliness for some reason which even doctors could not identify and remembers the horrible days in her village. It took time to accept the new reality but she came out strongly.

Priyanka is doing her graduation in her home town Uttarakhand. She has recently managed to buy her own kayak and other gears but she still needs to buy a pedal which she generally borrows from her friends. "I am just so excited to finally have my own kayak. Days were quite difficult as every time I used to ask my friends for lending me kayak and other gears and I would say they were generous enough to help me every time but having your own gears makes you more independent, without any doubt. And now I feel that I can execute some of the ideas I had like create a platform where I can give kayak lessons to girls."
Priyanka was one among the 4 other girls who participated at GKF 2022. Participants were from India, Nepal and Australia. While talking to Priyanka I asked why there are only 3 or 4 women participants every year. Why don't we get to see more numbers? She said, "the reason is there are only 3-4 women in India who does white water kayaking including me and the reason why I want to open kayak school in Shivpuri so that I can encourage participation and we get to see more women in the future."
Right now I am kind of dependent on my family but as I start giving lessons, I will become independent slowly which will allow me to enhance my kayaking skills too."
Priyanka says her cousin brother and aunt helped her to buy her first kayak and she plans to repay the amount to both of them once she converts the GKF 2020 prize money into cash. She is just so thankful for this support from her family.

Support Priyanka in achieving her goals. The interesting part is in return you she will teach you something valuable. Kayaking is not just an extreme sports but it is also a life saving skill. Congratulation to other participants at GKF 2022.
Read about Priyanka's first Kayaking competition I knew that kayaking is not easy: Priyanka Rana
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